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There is a known conference series called QIRT which stands for «Quantitative Infrared Thermography» QIRT conferences have been running every two years since 1992. Interestingly there is also a peer-reviewed journal called QIRT Journal.

QIRT conferences are aimed to all «quantitative topics in infrared thermography» and it is gaining more and more interest with the spreading use of the technology.

One important point is the venue of these conferences. All of them but one (held in Canada) have been held in Europe. With the growing interest in this field and the growing number of attendees particularly coming from Asian countries, the QIRT Council started a «sister conference series» called QIRT Asia.

There is a room for such a conference directly in Asia since obviously not all people interested in QIRT matters have the opportunity to travel to Europe to attend the QIRT conferences. In that sense, it is more convenient for them to attend a conference within their geographical area. Moreover, there is also a very positive cross-fertilization between both QIRT communities.

QIRT Asia being a sister conference series, it benefits of the same advantages as QIRT: visibility, web site access (, open archive, publication of selected papers in the QIRT Journal, etc.

The origin of this idea emerged from a meeting with Dr. Choi, Dr. Kim, Dr. Maldague in Korea in 2011.

The QIRT - Asia Steering Committee has been formed, see Organization chart of QIRT Council.

The First QIRT Asia Conference was held in July 2015 in Chennai (India). More information is available on the conference page 1st QIRT Asia Conference.

The Second 2nd QIRT Asia 2017 Conference was held in Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, in July 2017. More details: Conference, Papers, Photos.

The 3rd QIRT Asia Conference was held in Summer 2019 in Tokyo (Japan). More information is available in 3rd QIRT Asia.

The 4th QIRT Asia Conference is planned in Summer 2023 in Harbin (China). More information is available in 4th QIRT Asia.

All QIRT Asia conferences are very successful!